Her piano playing technique is very outstanding and she also has a passionate expression.”
–Prof. Bernd Glemser
Manami Matsushita was born in Osaka, Japan, and started playing piano at the age of five. As a child, she won many top prizes in national piano competitions. During this time, she also trained in and performed chamber music with other musicians. She made her piano concert debut as a soloist at the age of sixteen in which she played Liszt’s Piano Concerto No. 1 at Izumi Hall in Osaka.
Manami studied at Osaka College of Music with Prof. Masatoshi Matsumoto and Prof. Shinya Okahara, where she got a bachelor’s degree with honors. During her time there, she became fascinated with German classical music and decided to continue her studies in Germany. She studied at the University of Music Würzburg (Hochschule für Musik Würzburg) with the world-famous pianist Prof. Bernd Glemser, whom Manami was greatly inspired by his music and learned many important concepts and techniques as a pianist. She graduated with a master’s degree as valedictorian of her class. Afterwards, she continued her studies at the University of Music Würzburg and obtained a Konzertexamen, the highest degree that can be obtained from a music college in Germany, with Summa Cum Laude also as valedictorian of her class.
Manami has won first prize at the Euterpe International Music Competition and International Competition “Luigi Zanuccoli.” She was a finalist and received a special prize for “Best Baroque Player” at International Piano Competition “Memorijal Jurica Murai,” where Gregory Gruzman praised, “I will never forget her performance of Bach for the rest of my life.” In addition, she won first prize in all competitions within the University of Music Würzburg, which was the first time anyone did so in the history of the university.
Manami started performing concerts in Japan and Europe during her time at university. When she returned to Japan after her studies in Germany, she devoted her time to performing concerts, touring all over the country in prominent venues in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, and more. She has developed a repertoire with a wide range that encompasses piano solos, piano concertos, and chamber music. Manami has also appeared on national television and radio programs, further increasing her activities as a pianist. In addition to performing, Manami also has a passion for teaching piano to her students. She has won a teaching award in 2021 for sending a significant number of her students to qualify for piano competitions. She maintains her roots in Japan but has recently moved to New York to immerse herself in a more international environment. She is a member of the "Steinway Teaching and Educational Partner (STEP)"
大阪音楽大学器楽学科ピアノ専攻を優秀賞を受賞し卒業。その後ドイツのヴュルツブルク音楽大学大学院を2016年満場一致の首席で卒業。2019年ドイツ国家演奏家資格(Meisterklasse 音楽博士相当)を最高得点の成績で終了し国家演奏家資格取得。
2017年第15回Luigi Zanuccoli国際コンクール(イタリア)、スタインウェイコンクール(ドイツ)、Euterpe国際コンクール(イタリア)にて第1位。2018年Jurica Murai国際コンクール(クロアチア)ファイナリスト及び審査員特別賞を受賞する。審査員のグリゴリー・グルツマン氏から「生涯忘れることのない演奏」と称賛を受ける。またヴュルツブルク音楽大学創立以来初、大学内で開催された全てのコンクールにて第1位を獲得する。
日本では関西を中心に精力的に演奏会に出演する他、FM OSAKAやラジオ関西などのラジオ番組に出演。また後進の育成にも力をいれ、コンクールの指導者賞も受賞の経歴をもつ。また(株)アマービレ楽器講師、及び同フィルハーモニー専属ピアニストとしても多くの活動を経験した。